Archive for June, 2024

Supreme Court Overturns “Chevron”, Restraining Power Of Bureaucrats

From The Truth About Guns:

The Supreme Court’s decision is particularly noteworthy for gun owners, as it curtails the regulatory authority of the ATF. The ruling effectively limits the ATF’s ability to interpret and enforce regulations without explicit congressional authorization, even when pushed by a presidential administration hostile to the Second Amendment.

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Czech Group Get Approval To Buy US Ammo Brands


The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States has given the green light to the proposed acquisition of Vista Outdoor’s varied and iconic ammunition brands to the Czechoslovak Group. 

In a release from Vista on Wednesday, the company announced it had received written notice from CFIUS that the federal regulator has concluded its review and investigation of the proposed transaction “and has determined that there are no unresolved national security concerns.” The clearance by CFIUS was the final governmental regulatory approval required for the deal to proceed. U.S. Federal Trade Commission had previously cleared the acquisition from an antitrust perspective. 

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When You Go Looking For Racists And Can’t Find Any

The Demand For Racists Doesn’t Equal The Supply

From The Federalist:

A new report said Pentagon programs to sniff out “white supremacists” in the U.S. military came up empty-handed and were even counterproductive to military readiness and morale.

“Just as private companies have abandoned the toxic advice of DEI consultants and programs, military leaders should end social engineering based on critical race theory and restore approaches that promote character and merit,” said Donald Critchlow, Director of the Center for American Institutions at ASU.

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FPC CEO Discusses Rahimi Decision

From Bearing Arms:

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Surgeon General Says Guns Are A Public Health Crisis

From Bearing Arms:

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NY Comptroller Says ShotSpotter A Failure

From Ammoland:

ShotSpotter has failed to live up to its promises in another major US City, according to the Comptroller of New York City. The Comptroller’s Office recommended that the City not renew its contract with the David Chipman-linked company when it expires in December.

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Army: Covid Vax Caused Heart Problems

From NBC Montana:

The U.S. Army and National Guard acknowledged a soldier’s “debilitating heart condition” is connected to the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a new report by former CBS reporter Catherine Herridge.

Army National Guard Specialist Karoline Stancik, 24, has reportedly racked up over $70,000 in medical debt after being hospitalized for heart complications. She suffered her first heart attack after receiving the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

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Upcoming SCOTUS Gun Cases

From Bearing Arms:

For months now, the Court has held on to a half-dozen other cases that all deal with prohibited persons; from Range v. Garland (whether someone can be permanently prohibited from possessing a firearm after a non-violent misdemeanor conviction punishable by more than a year in prison) to U.S. v. Daniels (whether federal law prohibiting the possession of firearms by someone who “is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance” violates the Second Amendment). After the release of the Rahimi decision, the Court is almost certainly going to address these cases through what’s known as a GVR: grant cert, vacate the previous decision, and remand the case back to the lower courts for further review in light of Rahimi‘s holding. 

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SCOTUS Bump Stock Opinion Breakdown

From Open Source Defense:

On Friday the Supreme Court struck down the ATF’s bump stock ban. Let’s break down the justices’ opinions and the implications.

Clarence Thomas writes for a 6-3 majority, and the overriding theme of his opinion is that this is not a hard case. Under the NFA, a machine gun is “any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger”. Bump stocks are simply not that. That’s obvious if and only if you know how a bump stock works. Thomas explains that by explaining how an AR-15’s fire control group works.

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The Origin And History Of The Galil

From Two Guys One Gun:

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Car Makers Spying On You And Selling Your Data

From Electronic Frontier Foundation:

In a recent New York Times article, Kashmir Hill reported how everyday moments in your car like these create a data footprint of your driving habits and routine that is, in some cases, being sold to insurance companies. Collection often happens through so-called “safe driving” programs pre-installed in your vehicle through an internet-connected service on your car or a connected car app. Real-time location tracking often starts when you download an app on your phone or tap “agree” on the dash screen before you drive your car away from the dealership lot.

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Gun Groups Want Repeal Of Post Office Ban

From Bearing Arms:

The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation are teaming up once again, this time to take on the federal statute that treats all postal facilities as “sensitive places” where guns are banned. 

In a new lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, the Second Amendment groups, along with two Texas gun owners, allege the prohibition on firearms is a direct infringement on the right to bear arms. 

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Another Attack On Shooting On Public Land

From The Truth About Guns:

President Joe Biden is determined to decimate the notion that responsible gun owners should be able to responsibly teach the next generation of outdoorsmen and women recreational target shooting. His latest scheme is to shutter 98.9 percent of the Sonoran Desert National Monument to recreational target shooting.

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The Truth Behind The Decline In Crime

From The Truth About Guns:

One factor, according to Lott, is that when crime started increasing dramatically during the pandemic, many big cities, in an attempt to hide that trend, simply stopped reporting their crime figures to the FBI. In fact, 37% of police departments, including those in big, crime-ridden cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City, no longer report their crime data to the FBI.

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A New Strategy For Gun Rights

From Bearing Arms:

In my previous article, I talked about how the migration of just 2% of New York gun owners to Pennsylvania can change presidential elections. What if a similar strategy of concentrated fire is replicated nationwide? In other words, what if Second Amendment advocates do what Free Staters have done nationally?

There is an advantage that gun owners have: there are a LOT more of us – close to 100 million – than there are committed libertarians. Since the last presidential election, around 22.3 million people have become first-time gun owners. That gives us a lot of power nationally although our power within states varies. Some states have a higher concentration of us resulting in “wasted votes,” while others have too few of us resulting in our rights getting trampled.

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