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Posts Tagged mass shooting
Study Shows Armed Citizens Better Than Police At Stopping Shooters
From The Federalist:
You’d never know it from watching television, but civilians stop more active shooters than police and do so with fewer mistakes, according to new research from the Crime Prevention Research Center, where I serve as president. In non-gun-free zones, where civilians are legally able to carry guns, concealed carry permit holders stopped 51.5 percent of active shootings, compared to 44.6 percent stopped by police, CPRC found in a deep dive into active shooter scenarios between 2014 and 2023.
Killer’s Manifesto Release Delayed Because Of Copyright?
From Bearing Arms:
The ongoing legal battle over the public release of the Covenant School killer’s writings took a strange turn on Wednesday, when the attorney representing victims and families who want to keep the material under wraps invoked a novel argument: releasing the material would be a violation of copyright law.
Claim: Mass Shootings Are Far-Right Terrorism
From War on the Rocks:
Today, however, the terrorists’ preferred tactic is the mass shooting. As we argue in our new book, God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America, assault-style rifles have replaced explosives. And the perpetrators come mostly from the far right. Eschewing the time-intensive preparations involved in the careful construction and placement of explosive devices — as seen in Oklahoma City in 1995 and at the Atlanta Olympics the following year — domestic terrorists now prefer shooting, a far simpler tactic that is facilitated by the Second Amendment and entails simply opening fire on a group of ordinary citizens going about their daily lives.
The authors’ claim that far-right extremism is causing mass shootings is negated by their later claim that most of the people committing the shootings have some kind of mental disorder. They further cite online “far-right” groups being formed and led by 13 year-olds! Do they or anyone else actually believe that? I find it hard to imagine. This is clearly an example of teens wanting to be “edgy” by adopting the current taboo thing. I don’t believe that any early teen is mature enough to have a well thought out political philosophy. The authors have to have willful ignorance to believe teens like that are a true threat. Lastly the authors are stuck in a 90s mindset by referring to “cop killer” bullets. I haven’t heard that term in a two decades. Hollow point ammo is widely used in self defense guns because it is more likely to stay inside the intended target thus increasing the safety of others in close proximity. Using full metal jacket ammo would mean a higher probability of the bullet going through the target and hitting an innocent by stander. Hollow point ammo is safer if a self defense situation involving deadly force is required.
Govt Failure In Maine Shooting Proves You Have To Rely On Yourself
From The Truth About Guns:
New revelations in the aftermath of the mass shooting which took 18 lives in Maine provide growing evidence authorities failed when they might have prevented the deadly attack, the Second Amendment Foundation is noting, while criticizing calls for a slate of new, restrictive gun control laws.
Sales Surge After Shootings Prove Citizens Want Guns Even When They Say They Don’t
From Bearing Arms:
In the wake of the Lewiston shooting, gun sales are surging. This is what we see happen following just about every mass shooting.
Gun Control Groups Ignore Mass Shooters Own Words
From The Federalist:
But Everytown ignores those quotes. Nor does the organization mention that the Buffalo mass murderer self-identified as an “eco-fascist national socialist” and a member of the “mild-moderate authoritarian left.” The shooter expressed concern that minority immigrants have too many children and will damage the environment. “The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world,” he wrote. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.”
Taxpayer Funded PBS Pushes Disarmament Propaganda
From Bearing Arms:
On Friday’s Amanpour & Co., fill-in host Sara Sidner devoted a segment to promoting the agenda of a gun control advocate and made no serious effort to challenge her liberal guest’s claims.
Mass Shooting In Gun Banned Australia
From The Truth About Guns:
Despite that massive gun confiscation of almost all firearms, not just “weapons of mass murder,” six people were shot to death, including two young police officers in a stand-off Monday evening.
AGAIN: Shooter Was Known To Law Enforcement
From The Truth About Guns:
Another mass shooter — the one who shot up a Colorado Springs gay nightclub, murdering five people — had been known to the FBI for over a year before his attack. And the case of the previously reported barricading incident and bomb threat that got him arrested was dropped by the local prosecutor.
Whistleblower Claims Vegas Shooting Was Linked To ISIS
From PJ Media:
Former FBI special agent John Guandolo told Turning Point USA in a recorded interview (below) that there’s a 90% certainty that the Las Vegas attack was a jihadi operation and Stephen Paddock was the conduit through which the terrorist organization attacked America.
In the interview, Guandolo said, “When you look at what actually transpired and put it together from a counter-espionage attack and counter-espionage look, the probability that was an ISIS attack is well over 90%.”
He said the special agent in charge of the Las Vegas FBI field office “got angry and dismissed it, and when presented with the information, FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., dismissed it out of hand.”
Questions Remain About Vegas Shooting
From Ammoland:
What’s not explained is a curious claim made on page 3 of the “Paddock” report dated 10/02/2017:
“On or around October 1, 2017, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Stephen Paddock, DOB 4/9/1953, illegally possessed prohibited firearms [emphasis added] in violation of 26 U.S.C. Section 5841. Paddock utilized prohibited firearms in the mass shooting incident that took place on Las Vegas Boulevard (the Strip) in which 50 people were killed and over 500 people were injured.”
The bottom line is “bump stocks,” which were “legal” at the time, could not have been the “illegally possessed prohibited firearms” referred to in the “Paddock” report. So what weapon/s are they referring to?
Anti-gunner Claims Gun Companies Want And Encourage Mass Shooters
From The Guardian:
The reason I found the hearing so scary was because it made clearer than ever that gun companies and their executives have completely abdicated responsibility and common sense. Their industry is nakedly marketing to – and in the process perhaps even creating – the next generation of mass shooters, all in service of their bottom line.
Good Guy With A Gun Destroys Gun Control Narrative
From Reason:
On Monday, a good samaritan with a gun averted a catastrophe at an Indiana mall. [killer’s name redacted], a 20-year old man brought more than 100 rounds of ammunition and three rifles: a Sig Sauer M400 rifle he bought in March 2022; an M&P15 rifle that was found in the mall bathroom and bought in March 2021; and a Glock 33 pistol discovered on his body. In the span of a few minutes, [name redacted] fired 24 rounds, killed three people, and injured two others.
We’ve redacted the killers name so as not to encourage infamy. Reason did not redact the name in the original article.
Texas Report On Uvalde
From The Truth About Guns:
Other than the attacker, the Committee did not find any “villains” in the course of its investigation. There is no one to whom we can attribute malice or ill motives. Instead, we found systemic failures and egregious poor decision making. We recognize that that the impact of this tragedy is felt most profoundly by the people of Uvalde in ways we cannot fully comprehend. …