Posts Tagged middle east

The Origin And History Of The Galil

From Two Guys One Gun:

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FBI Director Unintentionally Gives Reason For Citizens To Be Armed

From Ammoland:

No doubt unintentionally, FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday provided the greatest justification for the Second Amendment when he testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee that “the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level.”

According to Fox News, Wray told the committee, “We also cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil.”

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Armed Self Defense Is A Human Right

From Bearing Arms:

The terror attacks in Israel are going to be flooding, and really already have, the pages of Bearing Arms, as well as every other news outlet in the U.S. Ignoring foreign policy, ignoring the who, what, where, when, HOW, and why…there’s one singular thing that all of this should be teaching the people of the Union – and world at large; the Second Amendment is important.

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Israeli Attacks Show Why All Citizens Should Be Armed

From The Federalist:

After the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas from Gaza, Israel’s government suddenly made it slightly easier for its citizens to own firearms for self-defense.

Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir announced Sunday in Hebrew an emergency declaration that will “allow as many citizens as possible to arm themselves.” Currently, a mere 1.5 percent of the civilian population has a license to own a gun.

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Iranian Missile Attack On US Forces In Iraq

From 60 Minutes:

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Israel And UAE Strike Peace Deal

From The Federalist:

In a big win for Middle Eastern relations and a major victory for the Trump administration, Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officially established diplomatic ties Thursday in a peace agreement brokered by the United States.

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Saudi Intelligence Infiltrated Twitter

From Buzzfeed:

Alzabarah and Ahmad Abouammo, a colleague on Twitter’s global media team, regularly accessed and delivered information that could’ve led Saudi intelligence to identify anonymous dissidents. While news of the allegations against them has been public since November 2019, the extent of their roles and abilities inside the company have never previously been reported. Alzabarah, Abouammo, and al-Asaker did not respond to requests for comment.

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What Will Become of the Kurds?

From The Clarion Project:

The U.S. has now agreed to retreat from the Syrian-Turkish border, making way for a planned invasion by Turkey. The result will most certainly mean slaughter for the Kurdish forces there, the most faithful U.S. ally in the region and the most effective force to date against ISIS.

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Family Speaks About Mutilated Kurdish Soldier

From Fox News:

Ahmed said that his sister, whose real name was Amina Omar, joined the YPG as a fighter after the genocide and capture of thousands of Yazidi women by ISIS in neighboring Iraq’s Sinjar Mountain. The family helped smugglers to rescue three sex slaves from the “caliphate capital” of Raqqa, and hosted them at their home for several weeks before they could return to Iraq.

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SAS K9 Kills Jihadi In Syria

From The Daily Star:

The animal tore the throat out of one gunman as he shot at the Brits.

It then attacked two others, leaving them seriously injured.

Six more jihadis fled.

The incident occurred in the north of Syria two months ago but details of the dog’s bravery can only now be made public.

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British Citizen Hanged As ISIS Member In Iraq

From Express:

IRAQ is sentencing to death British jihadis who have travelled to the Middle East country to fight for Islamic State (ISIS) – and they are being hanged in a bid to protect Britain, according to a judge.

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Yazidi Women Fighting ISIS

From Breach Bang Clear:

Hêza is a Yezidi (Êzidî), a small (and shrinking) ethnic group that has been the focus of such ISIS barbarity over the last three years that a measurable portion of its population has been exterminated or completely displaced. Most Yezidi males encountered by ISIS are killed, regardless of age. Those captured are tortured and killed. Yezidi women — also regardless of age — are sold and traded as sex slaves.

Hêza was captured in August of 2014 after the siege of Mt. Sinjar. She was a slave to Daesh masters (or “gangs” of Daesh) for over two years, attempting suicide by poison at least twice, but eventually escaped and joined the YJŞ. The YJŞ is an all-female, all-Yezidi unit, which is currently fighting in Raqqa.

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SOCOM Wants US Companies To Make Russian Rifles/Machine Guns

From National Interest:

More specifically, USSOCOM wants American companies to explore whether it is feasible to “reverse engineer or reengineer and domestically produce the following foreign-like weapons: 7.62×54R belt fed light machine gun that resembles a PKM (Pulemyot Kalashnikova Modernizirovany), and a 12.7×108mm heavy machine gun that resembles a Russian-designed NSV (Nikitin, Sokolov, Volkov).”

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Anniversary of Abduction of CIA Station Chief In Beirut

From SOFleteHQ on Instagram:


Thursday, 16 March 2017, marks the 33 year anniversary of the abduction of the CIA’s station chief, William F. Buckley. Bill, a legendary Agency officer, died on June 3, 1985 after enduring 14 months in terrorist custody. He was abducted in Beirut, Lebanon, which set off one of the most grueling periods in the CIA’s history. His legacy of bravery and resolve has inspired Agency officers who have followed in his footsteps. Elements of Buckley’s CIA tenure remain classified, but he was one of the first Agency officers to grasp the growing threat from international terrorism. In the late 1970s, for example, Buckley helped develop the Incident Response Team and the Counterterrorism Group, the forerunner to today’s Counterterrorism Center. His assignments took him around the globe, as there was no mission that Buckley would turn down. It came as no surprise to Buckley’s colleagues that he volunteered to serve as the CIA Station Chief in Lebanon following the 1983 Beirut Embassy bombing, the deadliest attack in CIA history. Underscoring his bravery, Buckley did so acutely aware of Beirut’s high threat environment, which had included credible threats against other US officials posted there. Buckley immediately brought energy and focus to the primary mission: countering the terrorists that had taken the lives of several CIA colleagues as well as State Department and Military counterparts. It was in the service of this mission on a clear morning thirty years ago that Islamic Jihad operatives kidnapped Buckley while he was en route to work. Despite a government-wide rescue effort, Buckley died in captivity in June 1985. CIA that year held a memorial service and honored him with a star on the Memorial Wall and with the Distinguished Intelligence Cross, the highest CIA honor. In 1988, Buckley was symbolically laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, and his remains were returned to the United States in 1991. #Freedomisnotfree #GWOT #Shadows

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ISIS Member Admits To Raping Hundreds

From Reuters:

Islamic State militant Amar Hussein says he reads the Koran all day in his tiny jail cell to become a better person. He also says he raped more than 200 women from Iraqi minorities, and shows few regrets.

Hussein said his emirs, or local Islamic State commanders, gave him and others a green light to rape as many Yazidi and other women as they wanted.

“Young men need this,” Hussein told Reuters in an interview after a Kurdish counter-terrorism agent removed a black hood from his head. “This is normal.”


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