Posts Tagged saf

Gun Groups Want Repeal Of Post Office Ban

From Bearing Arms:

The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation are teaming up once again, this time to take on the federal statute that treats all postal facilities as “sensitive places” where guns are banned. 

In a new lawsuit filed in a federal court in Texas, the Second Amendment groups, along with two Texas gun owners, allege the prohibition on firearms is a direct infringement on the right to bear arms. 

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Will Supreme Court Take “Assault Weapon” Case?

From Cam and Company:

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Citizens Comment On NY Supreme Court Case

From Cam and Company:

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Second Amendment Foundation Produces Ads From Grassroots Donations


In recent weeks, cable news networks have seen a noticeable rise in ads defending the Second Amendment and urging viewers to take action. We can thank Alan Gottlieb and the Second Amendment Foundation’s grassroots fundraising and 2A support efforts for these ads. These 60-second ads, aptly titled “Second Amendment, First Responder,” pull no punches in getting their message across. The Second Amendment is under siege, and Gottlieb intends to do everything in his power to let people know what they can do about it.

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Gun Banners: What Happens If We Destroy The NRA?

From Slate:

If James succeeds, the court will direct her to find other groups who could take control of the NRA’s infrastructure, which could restart a national gun rights advocacy group. She would be bound by law to solely consider whether successor groups share the NRA’s values and are free from any taint of corruption. “The groups would have to be absolutely squeaky clean, but they could have really aggressive Second Amendment politics,” West said.
Though the NRA has defined the national gun rights movement for decades, it is by no means the only player on the scene. Rivals have grown in prominence in recent years. And many of the lesser-known groups are in fact much more extreme in their pro-gun stances, and closer to the far-right fringe.

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SAF Starts Gun Rights Equality Project

From SAF:

The Second Amendment Foundation today announced the launch of a new effort to remind America that the right to keep and bear arms is all-inclusive, and that all citizens regardless of race, creed or color should never be denied the exercise of their constitutionally-protected rights.

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California Facing Lawsuit From Gun Orgs

From The Truth About Guns:

Today, attorneys for plaintiffs including individuals, a Los Angeles firearm and ammunition retailer, Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), National Rifle Association of America (NRA), California Gun Rights Foundation (CGF), and Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a federal lawsuit challenging state and local policies and enforcement practices that violate Second and Fourteenth Amendment rights. A copy of the lawsuit can be found at

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Lawsuits Start Against Emergency Gun Restrictions

From Ammoland:

Several days after the Second Amendment Foundation warned the Mayor of New Orleans against suspending firearms sales in reaction to the COVID-19 outbreak, that organization has hit the New Jersey governor with a federal lawsuit alleging depravation of rights for “shutting down firearms dealerships in the Garden State, thus preventing citizens from exercising their rights under the Second and Fourteenth amendments.”

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SAF To Sue Illinois For Slow Walking CCL Permits

From The Second Amendment Foundation:

BELLEVUE, WA – The Second Amendment Foundation today revealed that it is considering legal action to force authorities in the State of Illinois to speed up the application and renewal process for concealed carry licenses, following a report by WMAQ in Chicago about the length of time citizens must wait for their licenses.
“A right delayed is a right denied,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “We are considering taking legal to end this abuse of process.”

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Gun Rights Groups File Brief In NYC Gun Case

From The Truth About Guns:

The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have been joined by four other rights groups in an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of a challenge to New York City’s restrictive handgun law that prohibits handguns licensed in the city to be taken outside the home.

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NRA/SAF Sue Washington

From My Northwest:

On the same day that the National Rifle Association and Second Amendment Foundation announced they would be challenging Washington state gun measure I-1639 in a federal court, U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, NRA president and former host of Fox News’ “War Stories with Oliver North,” told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson that he finds the measure not only unconstitutional, but also incredibly confusing.

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Maryland Gun Law Challenged

From The Truth About Guns:

“We’ve joined in this brief because Maryland’s licensing process is expensive and lengthy, and a right delayed is a right denied,” said SAF founder and CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “No citizen should have to jump through so many hoops simply to have a gun in their own home. There were no such requirements or regulations in Maryland at the time the Constitution was ratified, and the current regulatory scheme seems more intended to discourage responsible firearms ownership than guarantee that gun owners safely handle their firearms.

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Defense Distributed Snubbed By NSSF


During the Second Amendment Foundation’s annual gun rights policy conference in Tamp, Florida last weekend, Wilson revealed he was denied membership to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry’s largest trade group, for reasons he is unsure of.

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Blueprints Of Guns Not Allowed, Court Says

From Ars Technica:

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals was not persuaded that Defense Distributed’s right to free speech under the First Amendment outweighs national security concerns.

Ordinarily, of course, the protection of constitutional rights would be the highest public interest at issue in a case. That is not necessarily true here, however, because the State Department has asserted a very strong public interest in national defense and national security. Indeed, the State Department’s stated interest in preventing foreign nationals—including all manner of enemies of this country—from obtaining technical data on how to produce weapons and weapon parts is not merely tangentially related to national defense and national security; it lies squarely within that interest.

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NRA, SAF and NSSF Sue Seattle Over Gun Tax


The National Rifle Association, along with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Second Amendment Foundation, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Seattle for violating a Washington state law that prevents local municipalities from creating their own firearm regulations. The suit was filed in King County Superior Court this morning.

On August 10, the Seattle City Council approved measures that tax the sales of all firearms and ammunition and require gun owners to report any lost or stolen firearms. The tax is scheduled to take effect in January 2016.



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