Archive for August, 2024

TX AG Paxton Sues Dallas Over State Fair Gun Ban

From Bearing Arms:

With the fair set to kick off in less than a month, Paxton followed through on his threat on Thursday by suing the city and the state fair in district court. Paxton is asking the court to block the ban through both temporary and permanent injunctions, arguing that while While some portions of Fair Park are “gun-free zones” as established by state statute, the “vast majority of the 277-acre Fair Park in Dallas is not a place where weapons or firearms are prohibited.” 

If the fair moves forward with its carry ban, Paxton says lawful gun owners are either subject to arrest, or are going to be forced to comply with an unlawful rule in order to enter the fair. 

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Court Rules Against Missouri’s Second Amendment Protection Act

From The Truth About Guns:

At the time, Gov. Parson said the unique law “draws a line in the sand and demonstrates our commitment to reject any attempt by the federal government to circumvent the fundamental right Missourians have to keep and bear arms to protect themselves and their property.”

On Monday, however, a three-judge panel of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld last year’s district court ruling and found that the Missouri law violated the U.S. Constitution’s supremacy clause, which states that federal law takes precedence over state laws.

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The Importance Of Valuing Life

From Open Source Defense:

Guns are valuable because they’re good for self-defense. Self-defense is good because life is valuable, and protecting life is a wonderful thing. But if you have to protect life by taking life, that’s something to be solemnly accepted, not celebrated.

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Two Reps Move To Ban Handgun Registries

From The Truth About Guns:

Republican U.S. Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York and Darrel Issa of California have introduced new federal legislation to prohibit states like the ones they represent from maintaining unconstitutional handgun rosters that require firearms to adopt costly, unnecessary features making it nearly impossible to sell new handguns. 

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Federal Judges Says Machine Guns Part Of Second Amendment


A U.S. District Court in Kansas agreed with a federal public defender over a set of machine gun charges, tossing them as unconstitutional with the right to keep and bear arms. 

Judge John W. Broomes, a 2018 Trump appointee, agreed with a motion from the Federal Public Defender Office in Wichita to dismiss a two-count indictment against a local man for possession of a pair of unregistered Post-86 machine guns, arguing the charges went against the “history and tradition of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution by imposing a blanket prohibition on machineguns,” and is thus unconstitutional as applied to the defendant. 

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Gun Owners Urged To Get Out The Vote

From The Truth About Guns:

George Allen Urmston, CEO of Battle Tested Equipment (BTE), an Arizona-based defense, commercial and OEM manufacturer of armored vehicles, firearms, parts and accessories asked himself this question and responded by creating Shoot The Vote, an organization dedicated to urging hunters, shooters and everyday gun owners to get registered and vote to protect the Second Amendment. Teaming up with American Majority Action, the organization provides resources that make the process easier than ever, from registration and absentee materials to ballot tracking and getting involved to ensure others do the same.

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Texas Investigating Possible Illegal Immigrant Voting

From The Federalist:

Investigators with Paxton’s Election Integrity Unit recently performed “undercover operations” in “major metropolitan areas” regarding possible registration of noncitizens to vote, according to the release. Investigators have “already confirmed” nonprofit registration efforts outside Texas DPS offices. 

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ATF Loses On Forced Reset Triggers

From Bearing Arms:

Federal District Court Judge Reed O’Connor for the Northern District of Texas denied the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) request for a stay on his ruling that blocked the ATF from taking enforcement actions over force reset triggers (FRT).

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Western States Need To Take Their Land Back From The Feds

From The Federalist:

Tuesday’s legal effort underscores a decades-long tension between western states and the federal government, as they wrestle over control of vast land areas. For years, locals have sought permission to utilize the land for harvesting timber, oil, and gas, grazing animals, and pursuing other opportunities, but Washington bureaucrats have blocked their efforts. The lawsuit filed by Utah raises issue with “unappropriated” land held by the Bureau of Land Management, noting that 34 percent of “total state territory” is unappropriated land under federal control.

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Hunters Now Blamed For “Gun Violence”

From The Truth About Guns:

In what may be the most poorly conceived and horribly researched study ever published by The Journal of the American Medical Association during its entire 141-year history, a trio of anti-gun researchers now claims deer hunting is associated with a substantial increase in firearm violence. 

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Maine Gov Goes After FPC For Tweet

From Ammoland:

This response wasn’t the first time that FPC had used colorful language to push back against gun control, but it might be the first time that a Governor’s staff reported the organization to the police for a perceived threatening statement. Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the Maine Wire, we now know the staff contacted Maine State Police’s Executive Protection Unit to investigate the tweet. The Executive Protection Unit is responsible for protecting the Governor, similar to how the United States Secret Service (USSS) is supposed to protect the President and former Presidents of the United States.

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Tim Kennedy Explains: Pistol vs SBR

From Tim Kennedy:

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Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Put On Watchlist By Biden Administration

From Bearing Arms:

For America’s gun owners, including the 22.3 million new first-time gun owners since 2020, the latest shocking news about former U.S. Representative and former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) being placed on the U.S. Government’s Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) Quiet Skies “list” should be gravely concerning.

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Texas AG Threatens Suit Over State Fair Gun Ban

From The Truth About Guns:

According to the AG’s office, in 2002 the City of Dallas entered into a 25-year lease with the State Fair of Texas authorizing the nonprofit organization to take control of the governmental function of Fair Park during the 24 days of the annual event. Consequently, the new carry rule directly violates state law, which permits licensed gun owners to lawfully carry in places owned or leased by governmental entities unless otherwise prohibited by state law. 

“Texas law clearly states that license to carry holders may not be prevented from carrying a firearm on property owned or leased by the government unless otherwise prevented by state statute,” Paxton said in a news release from his office. “The State Fair of Texas’s recent policy that infringes on LTC holders’ Second Amendment rights is unlawful. Dallas has 15 days to fix the issue, otherwise I will see them in court.”

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Beware Of An Anti-Gunner Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

From The Federalist:

As to Walz advocating for states to stop recognizing concealed handgun permits from other states (reciprocity), with more than 22 million concealed handgun permit holders nationwide, there are decades of data on the behavior of permit holders. Some states have particularly detailed data. In Florida and Texas, permit holders are convicted of firearms-related violations at one-twelfth the rate at which police officers are. And police are convicted at just one-twentieth of the rate for the general population. There is no evidence that any permit holder from another state has committed a gun crime in Minnesota.

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