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Posts Tagged gun laws
Hunter Biden Verdict Splits Gun Community
From The Truth About Guns:
The case has led to an interesting split of opinions among gun rights advocates. Figures like Eric Blandford and CJ Grisham argue the law used against Biden is unconstitutional and that his prosecution sets a dangerous precedent for gun owners. They admit they face pushback from conservative circles, where supporting Biden is seen as controversial. Blandford explains, “Of course, people are going to say, ‘Why do you support Hunter Biden? He’s the enemy.’”
In contrast, the NRA supports Biden’s prosecution, stating it exemplifies the need for firearm prohibitions for drug users. John Crump over at AmmoLand notes the division within the gun community: some advocate for equal legal treatment, while others oppose prosecuting anyone under what they see as an unjust law.
Philippines Allows More Gun Ownership Due To Chinese Threat
From Bearing Arms:
This week, however, the Philippine National Police announced that soon civilians will be able to purchase and possess semi-automatic rifles; a major change to the country’s gun laws that’s being applauded by groups like Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption, whose founder believes the change will help increase national security at a time when China is ramping up its aggression against Philippine interests.
The ATF Must Go
From Bearing Arms:
Calls for the reform or abolishment of the ATF grow louder and louder. Just last week, an article published by the Second Amendment Foundation makes the case for undoing the damage done by the Biden Administration. It’s a roadmap for the next president, but not one that will alter the current course of the ATF or stop future abuses. And while I’m on board with undoing Biden’s dirty work, I don’t think it’s enough. It’s my view that undoing the years of Biden Administration overreach and utter disdain for the Constitutional rights of American citizens will not be enough. The ATF, as it is currently defined, has got to go.
Blue States See Civilian Gun Ranges As A Threat
From The Truth About Guns:
After municipal and environmental laws failed, town officials approached Vermont State Senator Phillip Baruth for help. He quickly sponsored a bill making it a felony to operate a “paramilitary training camp” within the state.
Baruth, a liberal Democrat from Burlington, admitted he introduced the bill after Pawlet officials complained there was no state law that they could use to force Banyai to shutter his private ranges on his private property.
NY Counties Oppose New Gun Laws
From Bearing Arms:
In Niagara County, the county legislature this week approved without dissent a resolution opposing the new laws, but also calling for the county to adopt “whatever legislative and legal remedies are necessary and appropriate, including working in coalition with other counties, to overturn the state law.” It’s a move backed not only by the county lawmakers, but local law enforcement as well.
Gun Control Didn’t Work In The Wild West
From Ammoland:
The ordinance, in this case at least, proved to be almost entirely ineffective. As recounted in the court decision, Sheriff Behan had “demanded of the Clantons and McLaurys that they give up their arms, and … they ‘demurred,’ as he said, and did not do it.”
A brief filed by historians and legal scholars explains that nineteenth-century prohibitions like the one in Tombstone were “unusual” and imposed “in response to transitory conditions.” Any “supposed distinction between populated and unpopulated areas, offered to justify heavy restrictions on carrying in the District, is not supported by the existence of handgun carry bans in a handful of mostly small towns in the Wild West, when nearly all major cities had no such laws.”
Passing A Law Doesn’t Mean People Will Obey
From Reason:
Media outlets love reporting the results of polling on hot-button policy issues, but they rarely tell you if the people supporting proposed legislation (especially when it’s restrictive) are the same people who would be affected by it. That matters in several important ways, not least of which is that getting a law passed is not the same thing as getting people to obey. Nowhere does that matter more than in the heated debate over gun laws.
A Great Infographic of European Gun Laws
From user Greikers:

CNN Uses China To Defend Gun Control
From CNN:
“When my friend told me about the shooting, I thought it was the United States,” one person wrote on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. Another user wrote, “Using a gun to kill people in China? Am I watching an American movie?”
That disbelief widely reflects how rare gun crime is in China — in contrast to it being a daily reality in the US.
The difference is stark when it comes to public safety. Despite being the world’s most populous country, with 1.4 billion residents, China only records a few dozen gun crimes a year. And more broadly, violent crime has continued falling, reaching its lowest level in 20 years in 2020, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua.
Gun Banners Are Ignorant Of Gun Laws
From True North News:
A poll commissioned by Public Safety Canada before the election shows that a vast majority of Canadians who support the Liberal government’s gun bans have very little knowledge of Canada’s firearms regulations.Â
Socialist Magazine Jacobin Is Against New Gun Laws
From Jacobin:
Gun violence is a major problem in the United States, and calls for lawmakers to “do something†in response to lives lost are certainly understandable. Unfortunately, “doing something†tends to involve passing more criminal statutes, imposing longer prison sentences, or further empowering police officers. In many jurisdictions, police and sheriffs hold almost unfettered discretion in determining who can obtain a license to own or possess a handgun. Licensing requirements frequently rely on criminal records, which in turn reflect race- and class-based disparities in enforcement.
New Texas Laws Challenge Feds
From Ammoland:
Texas recently passed HB 957 into law. It will become effective on 1 September, 2021. The law repeals the Texas state ban on the possession of silencers/suppressors/gun mufflers, puts into effect a “no commandeering clause†for federal enforcement of the National Firearms Act (NFA) for silencers, and sets up a federal test case of the NFA in federal court.