Posts Tagged protection

Anti-gun Justice Sotomayor’s Bodyguard Uses Gun To Prevent Car Jacking

From New York Post:

Two deputy US Marshals shot a would-be carjacker who pulled a gun on him while they were guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, authorities said.

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FBI Director Unintentionally Gives Reason For Citizens To Be Armed

From Ammoland:

No doubt unintentionally, FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday provided the greatest justification for the Second Amendment when he testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee that “the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level.”

According to Fox News, Wray told the committee, “We also cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil.”

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Uvalde ISD Police Chief Admits Violating Policy In Interview

From New York Post:

“Obviously, I backed off and started taking cover,” the lead officer said, which CNN noted was in clear defiance of training that insists officers risk their own lives to “neutralize” active shooters.

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Biden’s Schizophrenic Gun Policies

From Bearing Arms:

The lesson that most of the radical left seems to be missing when it comes to the war in Ukraine, the alleged war crimes, and any possible cure people may get, is that there’s a whole lot of precaution that could have been exercised to stave off such an invasion. Conceivably, the “supermarket” status of Ukraine’s black market arms cache is what can be attributed to some of the level of “success”  the Ukrainians have in keeping Russian forces somewhat at bay.

The disarmament policies of the Biden-Harris administration, inclusive of their Department of Justice, are exactly what’s needed to create a population that’s ripe for being rolled over by tanks. If Garland and the rest of the swamp critters were really genuine, they’d look inward and say “Ya know, we don’t want this happening here, so perhaps it’s best to arm and train our people.” No such utterance would come from the party of civil-liberty usurpation. 

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Sept 11 Made Me A Gun Owner

From Bearing Arms:

I wasn’t morally opposed to them or anything, but it wasn’t a priority. I had a wife and a child and wasn’t working jobs that paid particularly well. We were struggling to get by and a gun wasn’t high on the list of priorities at that time.

After that day, it was.

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Ohio OKs Armed Teachers

From Bearing Arms:

Lawmakers in the Buckeye State aren’t waiting for the court to decide if the current statutes allow for districts to determine their own training policies for armed school staff. On Wednesday, the state Senate approved legislation that specifically authorizes school staffers to carry without going through hundreds of hours of peace officer training.

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Defensive Mindset

From The Truth About Guns:

When it comes to fighting back, armed resistance is obviously much more effective than unarmed resistance. Nonetheless, the attitude of the defending party is also of critical importance in determining a successful outcome. It would do you no good to possess a defensive tool, be it a firearm, OC spray, a TASER, knife or gun if you are for some reason inhibited from employing these tools when you need them most.

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Gun Sales Continue To Set Records

From Breitbart:

According to the FBI, there were 2,911,128 background checks conducted in April 2020. The closest any other April came to that figure was in 2019, when 2,334, 294 NICS checks were done.
April’s surge in background checks followed a March that shattered all one-month records. Breitbart News reported March 2020 witnessed 3,740,688 background checks, which were the most checks conducted in any single month since the inception of NICS.

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How Women Can Prepare For Dangerous Encounters

From The Federalist:

If you decide a firearm is the route you want to take, it’s important to do so methodically. Every state has different laws about how to possess a handgun legally, so follow the guidelines in your state. In fact, contrary to some of the outlandish rhetoric on social media last week, concealed carry permit holders are some of the most law-abiding citizens around. Resolve to do likewise. Start with the U.S. Concealed Carry site, which offers good pointers.

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What You Don’t Understand About Gun Culture

From The Atlantic:

Miles’s law states, “Where you stand is based on where you sit.” In other words, your political opinions are shaped by your environment and your experience. We’re products of our place, our time, and our people. Each of these things is far more important to shaping hearts and minds than any think piece, any study, or certainly any tweet. And it strikes me that many millions of Americans don’t truly understand how “gun culture” is built, how the process of first becoming a gun owner, then a concealed-carrier, changes your life.
It starts with the consciousness of a threat. Perhaps not the kind of threat my family has experienced. Some people experience more. Some less. And some people don’t experience a threat at all—but they’re aware of those who do. With the consciousness of a threat comes the awareness of a vulnerability. The police can only protect the people you love in the most limited of circumstances (with those limits growing ever-more-severe the farther you live from a city center.) You want to stand in that gap.

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Mother Kills Child Molester

From ABC 14:

Startled, the man turned around to face the mother, at which point she fired directly into his face, blowing off most of his head. The rapist – a 53 year old sex offender known to police for a series of crimes on young victims – died instantly.

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Defensive Gun Use vs Car Accidents


How is it that so many kids raised on “Harry Potter”, “The Hunger Games”, “Star Wars”, and all the Marvel action figure movies manage to miss a critical point of the stories? The lesson being: If you want to prevail over evil villains, you must have the proper tools to fight back.

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Peter van Uhm: The Gun As An Instrument Of Peace

From TED Talks:

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Full Face Ballistic Helmet May Be In Use By 2020

From Kit Up:

Three years from now, soldiers could be wearing a new ballistic head protection that resembles a motorcycle helmet as part of the Soldier Protection System under development at Program Executive Office Soldier.

The Integrated Head Protection System features a base helmet with add-ons such as a visor, a “mandible” portion that protects the lower jaw, and a “ballistic applique” that is much like a protective layer that attaches over the base helmet.

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A Situational Primer For Traveling Abroad

From The Loadout Room:

Do you know where the evacuation place is and the area surrounding it? What should you have with you when you leave your room? What should you do prior to going to sleep to reduce potential threats that might be lurking once you leave your room? Why is it consequential regarding your skin color and why is a religious understanding of the area important? An alarm or occurrences that forced you to leave your hotel room under duress put your mind into an animalistic survival activity, and unless you have a plan, practice, and test it, you could be putting yourself at risk.

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