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Posts Tagged civil unrest
What Will You Need During Civil Unrest?
From Ammoland:
To figure out what gear we need to survive a civil unrest scenario, we need to identify what that scenario is. Depending on where you live and commute, the threats for those areas will dictate the gear. This is going to be different from person to person.
The following is the gear I’m using for my area of operations. For my area, Northeast Ohio, we’ve had “street takeovers” that have turned violent in Cleveland and surrounding areas. With that, my mindset is, what do I need to safely escape and evade that area if I get caught up in one of these? If I have my wife and daughters with me, it becomes even more critical that I get them to safety.
The Threat of the US vs Itself
From The Truth About Guns:
Let’s start with a dose of realism, and point out that Red Dawn was fiction. I loved that film as much as anybody, but fantasies about running into the hills and fighting off Joe Biden’s fighter jets are not worthy of further discussion. Civil conflicts have not resembled nation state vs nation state warfare for almost a century. Instead, we’re more likely to see John Robb’s “Bazaar of Violence”, which looks a lot like Mexico.
Antifa Is A Bunch Of Spoiled Rich White Kids
From Ammoland:
In the stark resurrection of the murderous “Weather Underground” of the 1960s, today’s violent ANTIFA thugs are primarily affluent, non-working, non-contributing children of wealthy, white families, all living comfortably on grandfather’s money.
The Atlantic Thinks Gun Sales Caused Crime, Not The Other Way Around
From The Atlantic:
After murders in the United States soared to more than 21,000 in 2020, researchers began searching for a definitive explanation why. Many factors may have contributed, such as a pandemic-driven loss of social programs and societal and policing changes after George Floyd’s murder. But one hypothesis is simpler, and perhaps has significant explanatory power: A massive increase in gun sales in early 2020 led to additional murders.
New data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) suggest that that indeed may have been the case. According to the data, newly purchased weapons found their way into crimes much more quickly and often last year than in prior years. That seems to point to a definitive conclusion—that new guns led to more murders—but the data set cannot prove that just yet.
The ACLU Has Lost Its Way
From Reason:
More troubling is the response to the verdict from an organization that should know better: the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In a statement reacting to the verdict, ACLU-Wisconsin Interim Executive Director Shaadie Ali lamented the “deep roots of white supremacy” in Kenosha that prevented Rittenhouse from being “held responsible for his actions.”
In a Twitter thread, the ACLU complained that Rittenhouse was not held accountable for his “conscious decision to travel across state lines and injure one person and take the lives of two people protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake by police.”
One might have expected that an organization dedicated to the preservation of civil liberties would not so cavalierly take the side of prosecutors against the concept of self-defense. In the past, the ACLU has done terrific work shining a light on prosecutorial misconduct—the tremendous power the state has to stack the deck against defendants. The ACLU purports to believe that all people, even the guilty, deserve due process protections. The organization is evidently outraged by the verdict: Is the ACLU outraged that the prosecutor tried to argue that Rittenhouse exercising his Miranda rights was evidence of his guilt?
Rittenhouse Was The Militia In Action
From The Federalist:
Our executive vice president at Security Studies Group, Dr. Brad Patty, wrote about the history and utility of the militia last year. This part is particularly relevant to the many unsubstantiated claims about citizens taking action. Much more likely is when citizens come under attack by terrorists, insurrectionists, rioters, arsonists, or looters.
In that case, citizens are very likely to be the only force capable of responding in defense of the common peace and lawful order, at least for a short time. In the recent crisis, however, we have seen several occasions when the police vanished from afflicted areas of cities for a whole night or longer. Citizens who are left to themselves by a failure of state and local power have every right to defend the common peace and lawful order against those who would destroy it.
How To Prepare and Train During Ammo Shortage
From The Federalist:
while a lot of ammunition is needed for serious practice over time, the most efficient way to improve one’s firearm skill—in terms of the time, money, and energy invested in relation to the return on that investment—is without ammunition, by what is commonly referred to as “dry firing,†the required safety precautions for which can be explained by any competent instructor.
According to former Army Special Forces soldier Mike Green, whose company, Green-Ops, conducts defensive firearm classes and dry-fire clinics in Northern Virginia and South-Central Texas, “dry-firing is the most often overlooked element of a comprehensive training program. But it shouldn’t be. It’s simple and almost cost-free.â€
CNN On The Changing Politics Of Guns
From CNN:
Several studies show most women, LGBTQ and Asian Americans, and an overwhelming majority of Black Americans, tend to vote for Democrats. Women and Black Americans were also the driving forces behind a 40% surge in first-time gun buyers through the first four months of 2020, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a firearms trade group that tracks and analyzes gun sales across the country.NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva said his organization believes many of those first-time gun buyers are Democratic voters.
Guns Stores Prepare For Sales Increase After Stimulus Payments
From The Post Millennial:
“Stimulus check equals gun money,” said Brandon Wexler, owner of Wex Gunworks in Delray Beach, Florida.”I do anticipate that when people get a stimulus check they will spend it on firearms, accessories, high-capacity magazines and ammo, if they can get it.”
Whether it be the rise in civil unrest throughout our nation’s cities, the Jan 6 attack on the US Capitol, or simply just for pleasure, Americans flocked to gun stores after receiving the first round of stimulus checks in 2020.
Left Blames Right For Riots
From The Truth About Guns:
The presence of armed militia groups – even under the pretense of maintaining order and protecting the community – is seen as a tool of intimidation and a way to chill free speech. It also encourages racial justice protesters and other demonstrators to bring their own weapons to already-tense events.
Body Armor Sales Dramatically Rise
From Business Wire:
Increased demand for body armor has allowed Body Armor Direct to manufacture in the USA and hire throughout the pandemic. “Manufacturing in the USA allows us to provide confidence the vest will perform in a time of need. We are under strict Governmental oversight†said Goldberg.
The election, pandemic, quarantine, civil unrest, and de-fund the police protests have increased demand. There are no background checks or holding period to purchase body armor. Body Armor Direct vision is to be the largest direct to consumer body armor company in the nation.
Reuters: First and Second Amendment Conflict at Protests
From Reuters:
Some worry that U.S. democracy will suffer if guns intimidate would-be protesters from voicing their opinion.
The gun culture and the exercise of free speech and assembly are “all competing in the same space,†said Timothy Zick, a law professor at the College of William & Mary who studies armed protests.
Troubled Times For Policing
From National Review:
As turmoil mounts around Black Lives Matter agitation in American cities, more and more law-enforcement officers realize that in just about any encounter with black suspects, they risk being thrown to the wolves by craven local prosecutors, mayors, or police administrators, no matter how right or blameless they may be in the actions they take under pressure.
And the next time they see that cluster of surly young males hanging out on the corner, they may decide to just drive on by. After all, they can’t get suspended, fired, or indicted if they wait to take the report on whatever mayhem those suspects might commit.
Dems Attack Gun Rights When Citizens Need Them Most
From NBC News:
As Americans, our constitutional rights and individual liberties are not just a source of patriotic pride but the lifeblood of our democracy. The founders knew that the right of citizens to bear arms was essential to the preservation of democracy and liberty. The Second Amendment ensures that Americans can protect themselves, their families and their businesses, especially when the government is unwilling or unable to do so. And many Americans are indeed now choosing to exercise their Second Amendment rights; a national indicator for gun sales is at an all-time high.