Posts Tagged election

Generals Afraid The Wrong Person Might Win The Next Election

From The Washington Post:

In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.

The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines — from the top of the chain to squad level — is significant should another insurrection occur. The idea of rogue units organizing among themselves to support the “rightful” commander in chief cannot be dismissed.

All service members take an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution. But in a contested election, with loyalties split, some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser. Arms might not be secured depending on who was overseeing them. Under such a scenario, it is not outlandish to say a military breakdown could lead to civil war.

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Former NYT Employee Admits The Times Held Kenosha Riot Report Until After The Election

From Nellie Bowles:

When I was at the New York Times, I went to Kenosha to see about this, and it turned out to be not true. The part of Kenosha that people burned in the riots was the poor, multi-racial commercial district, full of small, underinsured cell phone shops and car lots. It was very sad to see and to hear from people who had suffered. Beyond the financial loss, small storefronts are quite meaningful to their owners and communities, which continuously baffles the Zoom-class.

Eventually the election passed. Biden was in the White House. And my Kenosha story ran. Whatever the reason for holding the piece, covering the suffering after the riots was not a priority. The reality that brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we reporters were meant to ignore. The old man who tried to put out a blaze at a Kenosha store had his jaw broken. The top editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer had to resign in June 2020 amid staff outcry for publishing a piece with the headline, “Buildings Matter, Too.” 

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What Was The FBI Role In January 6?

From Glenn Greenwald:

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What Really Happened On January 6?

From The Federalist:

It is well-established by now that U.S. intelligence agencies use informants, lies, and leaks to frame people, causes, and political opponents of the regime. This is so well-established that it would be surprising if the one Capitol riot Democrats are pursuing did not include FBI or other federal spy state provocateurs. And if that’s the case, then our country is in deep, deep sh-t.

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Four Capitol Officers Have Committed Suicide

What is going on? From The Hill:

A fourth law enforcement officer who responded to the Capitol on Jan. 6 has died by suicide, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) confirmed to The Hill on Monday.

A department spokesman said Officer Kyle DeFreytag, who had been with the department since November 2016, was found dead on July 10. Police confirmed DeFreytag, 26, was among a host of MPD officers who were sent to the Capitol in response to the riot.

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Twitter Locks Account of Former DNI Over Voter Fraud Warning

From Breibart:

Twitter locked the account of former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell after he shared an image of ballots sent to him by a friend living in California, who says they were addressed to his parents — who he claims have been dead for ten years.

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Tulsi Gabbard Pushes Dems To Acknowledge Voter Fraud

From Red State:

Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard might have been the last of the Democrats who had any sense of propriety and integrity, and while many would disagree with her politics, her ability to understand right and wrong can’t be overlooked.
For instance, as Democrats were doing their level best to ignore or make more excuses for the Project Veritas story that exposed the voter fraud helping Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s reelection, Gabbard was actually making statements denouncing the very obvious and provable fraud that was taking place right there, on video, for the world to see.

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Dems Want To Change Rules When Elections Don’t Go Their Way

From The Truth About Guns:

It’s finally dawned on Democrats in Washington that they probably can’t stop the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme court. That means it’s time to change the rules, which is why we’re hearing more calls for steps like statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico and packing the Supreme Court .
But why stop there? Democrats are also reportedly planning to introduce a bill to limit the terms of Supreme Court justices. Rep. Ro Khanna is reportedly going to introduce the “Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act.”

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Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Joe Biden For Libel

From Ammoland:

In the Presidential debate on 29 September, both Chris Wallace, the moderator, and former vice president Joe Biden implied that Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and a militia member. After the debate, if the tweet is authentic, candidate Biden tweeted Kyle’s image with the words “white supremacist” above and “as we saw in Kenosha” below.

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Facebook Admits It May Interfere In Election

From ArsTechnica:

Facebook has said it will take aggressive and exceptional measures to “restrict the circulation of content” on its platform if November’s presidential election descends into chaos or violent civic unrest.

So far, it has announced several new election misinformation and voter suppression policies in recent weeks, including stating that it will add cautionary labels to posts in which campaigns or candidates prematurely claim victory, for example.

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Biden Finally Condemns Riots After New Polling

From Bearing Arms:

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden finally condemned the ongoing violence in Kenosha, Wis. and cities across the country after his campaign initially “misjudged how important it was to the American people,” pollster and president of Maslansky & Partners, Lee Carter told “Fox & Friends Weekend” Sunday.

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Rand Paul Assaulted By Mob In DC, Yelled “Fuck him up! Kill him!”

From YouTube:

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Anti-Trumpers Consider Military Coup

From The Washington Examiner:

Recently, two retired Army officers speculated about deploying a brigade from the 82nd Airborne Division to overpower Trump’s “private army” that they believe the defeated president will use to try to cling to office. Another retired officer, a former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, imagined the military in battle with armed Trump supporters, the result being that “all bets are off as to how much blood might flow.”

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Why Ammo Makers Aren’t Increasing Production

From Bearing Arms:

They don’t want to get burned like in 2016, when sales surged to record levels only to implode on Election Day. Sales then were driven by fears of gun control fueled by mass shootings, but those fears evaporated with the election of President Trump, a Republican endorsed by the National Rifle Association. Gun sales plunged immediately after his election, resulting in layoffs and sliding stocks for Sturm, Ruger and Smith & Wesson.

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Attacking The NRA Is The First Step

From Stream:

On a grand scale, that’s what happening now to the National Rifle Association. Using some (unproven) charges of sleazy insider dealing among a few NRA executives, the Attorneys General of New York State, and the District of Columbia are suing the NRA. They’re not seeking to remove its chief executive, Wayne LaPierre. Nor to force reforms. No, they’re seeking to dissolve the organization, nationally. Less than three months before a historic election.
Does this sound like crass political gamesmanship with the rule of law to you? The NY AG won her last election in part on a promise to “take on” the NRA. And that gun rights organization is fighting hard to preserve our constitutional rights in 2020.

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