Posts Tagged gun law

Trump Admin Restores Gun Rights For First Time In 23 Years

From Ammoland:

The rule removes outdated regulations and is part of a broader review of firearm-related policies under Executive Order 14206 (Protecting Second Amendment Rights). Upon the interim final rule’s expected publication tomorrow, the DOJ will begin allowing individuals who are not “dangerous to public safety” to use the statute and petition to have their gun rights restored.

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Claim: Mass Shootings Are Far-Right Terrorism

From War on the Rocks:

Today, however, the terrorists’ preferred tactic is the mass shooting. As we argue in our new book, God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America, assault-style rifles have replaced explosives. And the perpetrators come mostly from the far right. Eschewing the time-intensive preparations involved in the careful construction and placement of explosive devices — as seen in Oklahoma City in 1995 and at the Atlanta Olympics the following year — domestic terrorists now prefer shooting, a far simpler tactic that is facilitated by the Second Amendment and entails simply opening fire on a group of ordinary citizens going about their daily lives. 

The authors’ claim that far-right extremism is causing mass shootings is negated by their later claim that most of the people committing the shootings have some kind of mental disorder. They further cite online “far-right” groups being formed and led by 13 year-olds! Do they or anyone else actually believe that? I find it hard to imagine. This is clearly an example of teens wanting to be “edgy” by adopting the current taboo thing. I don’t believe that any early teen is mature enough to have a well thought out political philosophy. The authors have to have willful ignorance to believe teens like that are a true threat. Lastly the authors are stuck in a 90s mindset by referring to “cop killer” bullets. I haven’t heard that term in a two decades. Hollow point ammo is widely used in self defense guns because it is more likely to stay inside the intended target thus increasing the safety of others in close proximity. Using full metal jacket ammo would mean a higher probability of the bullet going through the target and hitting an innocent by stander. Hollow point ammo is safer if a self defense situation involving deadly force is required.

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Fact Checkers Lied About Rittenhouse Case

From The Federalist:

In the case against Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, the left-wing corporate fact-checkers did what they do best and made up their own facts, specifically about the then-17-year-old’s right to carry a rifle.

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Mexico Ignoring Online Gun Sales

From Cam and Company:

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Kentucky Cities Must Allow Government Employees To Carry Guns

From Associated Press:

Kentucky’s local governments cannot prevent their employees from carrying weapons “at all times and places” while on duty, according to a state attorney general’s opinion released Monday.

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NAACP Says Racist Gun Law No Longer Racist

From Associated Press:

The local pistol permit requirement began in 1919 during the Jim Crow era, and some bill supporters argue it’s still preventing law-abiding black residents from obtaining weapons. But a local NAACP leader spoke against the bill earlier Wednesday, and Marcus said such opposition is evidence to her that the current permitting system isn’t racist.

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Gun Rights Groups File Amicus Briefs In NY Carry Case

From Ammoland:

Two national gun rights organizations—the Second Amendment Foundation and its grassroots sibling, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms—have filed separate amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of a challenge of New York State’s ultra-restrictive carry laws by the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA)

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Oregon Proposes Draconian Gun Storage Law

From AP:

Oregon’s bill mandates that gun owners secure unattended weapons with trigger locks or in locked compartments. Those who don’t would be strictly liable for any injuries or property damage. If a minor gets ahold of an unsecured firearm, the gun’s owner would face a maximum $2,000 fine.

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Friend of Rittenhouse Charged With Two Felonies

From NBC Chicago:

A 19-year-old Kenosha man has been charged with two felonies after prosecutors say he gave a gun to Kyle Rittenhouse, the suburban teen accused of killing two protesters during unrest in the southeastern Wisconsin city.

Dominick Black was charged with two counts of intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to a person under the age of 18, causing death.

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How The ATF Arbitrarily Creates Criminals


What if government agents could, by declaration, make you into a criminal? What if, without legislative change, bureaucrats could decide that what was legal yesterday is a felony today? What if we were governed not by law, but by arbitrary statements telling us what we may or may not do?

Unfortunately, those questions are not merely hypothetical—thanks to recent abuses of power by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), millions of American gun owners are facing them head-on. Even if you hate guns, you should be deeply concerned by the arbitrary power wielded by the ATF against your fellow Americans. If an unchecked executive agency can run roughshod over any of our rights with impunity, all of our rights are in danger.

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Adults Under 21 Have Right To Handguns

From The Washington Free Beacon:

A Virginia judge on Tuesday dealt a blow to Virginia Democrats’ gun-control agenda, blocking part of the new universal background check law that would have made it nearly impossible for adults under 21 to purchase a handgun.

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Washington Post Says SCOTUS Shouldn’t Take Any More Second Amendment Cases, Everything’s OK

From The Truth About Guns:

Since Heller,there has been virtually no disagreement among lower courts about how to apply these principles. Appeals courts have established a working consensus on how to evaluate gun measures, carefully following the Supreme Court’s guidance. When there is no disagreement among circuit courts, the Supreme Court typically declines to step in.

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The Gun Boom Is Creating A Cultural Shift

From The Truth About Guns:

Owning guns had already shifted some of his political opinions. He said he still supported limits on larger-capacity ammunition magazines. But when he bought his guns, he said, he had to wait 10 days to get them. “That was an eternity to me,” he said. “Are these really common sense gun laws?”

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NRA Challenges Florida Ban On Adults 18-20 Buying Guns


In its initial complaint, NRA made clear that Florida’s age restriction violated the U.S. Constitution on multiple counts. First, NRA noted that the ban was unconstitutional on its face – as the “ban infringes upon, and imposes an impermissible burden upon, the Second Amendment rights​.” Second, the complaint made clear that the new prohibition was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment as applied to young women ages 18-20, who, as a cohort, are responsible for a minuscule percentage of overall violent crime.

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Anti-Gunners Shocked They Can’t Walk Out With A Gun The Same Day

From Bearing Arms:

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friend’s father owns a gun range near me and she said he’s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.
How does he know they’re liberals?
“They’re shocked to discover they can’t just walk out of the store with a gun.”

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