Posts Tagged gun owners

2021 National Firearm Survey

From Gun Curious:

30.2% of gun owners have owned an AR-15 style rifle.

That’s some 25 million people. This is the first survey that I can recall that asked about ownership of this particular rifle. The results confirm its popularity.

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Vice’s Episode On The Expanding Gun Culture

From Vice:

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CA Gun Owner Info To Be Used By Researchers

From Bearing Arms:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law last week A.B. 173, which among other things gives various academics, most of them very likely to be hostile to private gun ownership, access to all the information California collects about the state’s buyers of guns, gun parts, and ammunition.

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Gun Owners Not The NRA Are Why Gun Control Has Failed

From Stephen Gutowski in The Atlantic:

The deadlock isn’t the result of the NRA paying off politicians to vote against the wishes of their constituents. It’s much simpler than that: Many people in this country own guns, and millions of them are dedicated voters. And they are what now stand in the way of new gun laws.

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Russian Ammo Ban Is An Attack On American Gun Owners

From Reason:

If you’re ideologically committed to a course of action, like imposing restrictive policies, it’s frustrating when the people you want to hurt refuse to cooperate. It’s even more aggravating when some of the folks on your side lose faith and start doing the things you don’t like. If you’re clever and unwilling to compromise, you might then find a backdoor way to impose your will and, incidentally, prod your allies into line. By all appearance, that’s what we’re seeing with the Biden administration’s ban on imports of ammunition from Russia, an important source for America’s tight ammo market.

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Welcoming New Gun Owners

From Dave Kopel:

Your friend probably has just one gun. Now is not the time to tell them why they should have bought some other gun. Save that for much later, if ever. Concentrate on helping your friend acquire proficiency with the gun they already have. 

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Open Letter To New Gun Owners

From Open Source Defense:

But if you’re new to gun ownership, you probably don’t fully understand the different policy objectives of the Republican and Democratic party presidential nominees. We at OSD would like to examine the platforms in an unbiased and detailed manner, so you can understand the implications.

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A Student’s Mixed Emotions at the Range

From Gun Culture 2.0:

With all this negativity surrounding firearms in mind, I was honestly quite nervous to go to the gun range in the days leading up to the trip. There were several reasons for this: I was scared of holding such a destructive weapon in my hands, I was worried I was going to be terrible at shooting and make a fool of myself, and, worst of all, I was concerned that I would actually enjoy myself.

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Media Always Denigrates Gun Owners

From Houston Courant:

But who expects the press to actually care about the facts that make a gun owner look good? There may be exceptions, but in general, mainstream media has about the same amount of unbiased characterization of gun owners as Elizabeth Warren has Indian blood. It just ain’t so, y’all.

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Gun Owners Must Be Mindful of Social Media Posts

From The Truth About Guns:

All too often gun owners fail to considerable the possible repercussions of their online behavior. Just this morning there was a guy on a friend’s Facebook post saying he didn’t understand why Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t shoot one of his attackers in the head twice rather than shooting him in the bicep because, the commenter said, that’s what he would have done.

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Gun Owners Should Change Their Words

From The Truth About Guns:

If you ever call yourself a “law-abiding” gun owner, stop. It’s degrading. It insults the shooting community, and it hurts private gun ownership. Stop now and never use that phrase again.

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No Equal Justice For Gun Owners

From The Truth About Guns:

The Court has made clear that it is not the least bit interested in being the founding document’s guardian. It’s not even interested in resolving differing interpretations of the Constitution with major splits among the Circuit Courts when it comes to the right to keep and bear arms.

Instead of doing the hard work that it is tasked to do, the Court has decided to play in a popularity contest. While the Court grants only a small percentage of writs of certiorari (approximately 3%), Second Amendment challenges cry out for clarification and easily meet the criteria for the Court’s review.

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Smart Guns Are A Bug, Not A Feature

From Bloomberg Businessweek:

But Stephens and his colleagues have found glaring technical challenges. Prototypes generally feature biometrics or proximity-sensing radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips to authenticate users and unlock firearms. The trouble is that fingerprint readers struggle with sweat or dirt, and friends in law enforcement advised Stephens that cops often wear gloves. A sensor error in a self-defense situation could prove fatal.

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Officer Claims Maine Used Gun Owner Data Illegally

From Bearing Arms:

A state trooper in Maine has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against the state police, alleging that the law enforcement entity illegally collected and maintained data on a number of residents, including those who had submitted background checks to purchase firearms.

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New Gun Organization Promotes Responsibility

From The Truth About Guns:

The goal, they say, is for firearms owners to reclaim the narrative. If gun owners are going to be against government regulation and interference with their Second Amendment rights, they need to be for something…for taking positive steps to increase the safety and responsibility of gun owners as a group.
They say CGRR’s goal is to promote non-legislative, non-prohibitionist, non-regulatory, non-confiscatory solutions to promote responsible gun ownership and practices. Actions designed to make real differences in gun safety, saving lives and preventing tragedies.

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