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Posts Tagged self defense
Culture Is The Problem, Not Guns
From The Federalist:
Americans are losing interest in the purpose and community that faith and church offer, losing respect for the sanctity of human life, and losing sight of the notion that a higher moral good exists than immediate self-gratification. Instead, we live under a cultural ethic that idolizes the indulgence of selfish desires even up to the point of taking the life of another.
Gun Sales Explode Over Last Few Years
From Ammoland:
American ran out and bought firearms of all kinds, and firearms manufacturers ramped up production. In 2020, 11.3 million guns were produced to fill the needs of the eight million new gun owners.
Kid Uses Air Gun In Self Defense
From Ammoland:
On 5/4 around 9pm, PCSO received a call regarding a 17-year-old male who had been shot after an argument. The victim was transported to the hospital where he underwent surgery and is expected to survive.
Detectives were able to determine a 10-year-old child shot the 17-year-old in an act of self-defense using a high velocity pellet gun. Potential charges for the 17 year old are under review.
Ukraine Understands The Need For Armed Civilians
From The Gazette:
Zablotsky tells me Ukrainians are overwhelmingly in favor of the right of individuals to keep and bear arms. Ukrainians are now allowed to make private gun purchases. Territorial defense units were formed by local communities and were handed out arms by the military.
Zablotsky is steering a movement to procure guns for Ukrainian civilians to make his country a safer place. They believe that every Ukrainian owning a firearm, and trained how to use it, is the best form of protection from any foreign invasion.
San Jose “Bans” Unserialized Guns
From Bearing Arms:
Nor will it do anything about the surge of future unserialized firearms that will be made.
See, the problem here is that Liccardo and others seem to think that if you legislate against these things, the criminals just won’t be able to get them.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t seem to remember criminals having too much trouble getting firearms before unserialized firearms were much of a thing.
Ride Share Companies’ Policies Making Drivers Targets Of Crime
From Bearing Arms:
That’s somewhat of an evergreen headline, since this isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, nor are the company’s policies requiring their drivers to be disarmed while on the clock. Violate that policy and you’ll be fired, even if you used your gun in self-defense.
Press Attacks Sheriff Who Told Citizens To Shoot Home Invaders
From Ammoland:
During a press conference after Harris’ arrest, Sheriff Johnson discussed the homeowner who had fired at Harris, who never came forward.
“I guess they think that they did something wrong, which they did not. If somebody’s breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do, actually,” Johnson said. “So, whoever that was, you’re not in trouble. Come see us. We have a gun safety class we put on every other Saturday. And if you take that, you’ll shoot a lot better and hopefully you’ll save the taxpayers money.”
Ukrainian Politician Wants To Expand Gun Rights
From The Washington Times:
Months before the Russian invasion, Mr. Zablotskyy took on his country’s civilian gun-control system that was inherited from the former Soviet Union when he introduced a bill to allow private ownership of firearms.
“I tried to convince parliament. I was the sponsor of the bill that allowed the ownership of private firearms within Ukraine. Unfortunately, that bill has failed. And, largely, of course, due to the Russian lobby,” he told The Washington Times. “Now we, of course, understand why. I think that now there’s overwhelming support for the right of Ukrainians to bear arms.”
Academic Law Paper on the Essentialness of the Second Amendment
From Josh Blackman:
Constitutional litigation over the Second Amendment has followed a familiar pattern. In the decade since Heller and McDonald, countless cases have turned on a foundational question: how much danger does the weapon pose? But in 2020, the courts were suddenly presented with a novel constitutional question: how much danger does obtaining the weapon pose? During the COVID-19 pandemic, state and local governments enacted complete prohibitions on the acquisition of firearms. Willing buyers were ready to comply with all extant gun-control regulations. But these governments shuttered firearm stores completely. These policies were adopted not to stop the sale of guns but to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. In short order, these governments deemed the Second Amendment as “non-essential.”
The Shifting Demographics Of Gun Owners
From Axios:
That more people of color are exercising their Second Amendment rights could spell trouble for Democrats, who already suffered losses among these demographics in key battleground states in 2020.
Don’t Use Anti Gun Language
From Ammoland:
There are homemade firearms. There might even be DIY guns. But there are no such things as ghost guns. We don’t use the term “
assault weapon” in place of a semi-auto rifle, do we? No, we quit that nonsense. We even try to resist “high capacity” for normal magazines, as we know a Glock 17 was designed to house 17 rounds of ammunition in the standard magazine, not 10 or 7 or less.
Anti Gunner Learns Wrong Lesson From Subway Shooting
From NY Daily News:
The permissive public carry championed by today’s gun rights advocatesis a sharp break from all this. It is not rooted in text, history or tradition but is a recent development in American history, one that only gained ground in the late 20th century. Such laws have not made Americans safer, but have led to more gun deaths and injuries. It’s little coincidence that states with stronger gun regulations are also those with fewer gun deaths.
That last line is in bold because Cornell is actually using the shooting in NY to argue there should be more gun regulation even though the shooting he is so “upset” about happened in one of the most strict areas of the country when is comes to guns.
Half Of All States Now Constitutional Carry
From The Truth About Guns:
While tyrants at the local, state, and federal levels regurgitate tired and disproven arguments in their efforts to eviscerate the Second Amendment, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has chosen to advance liberty by signing permitless carry legislation passed by state lawmakers of both houses earlier this month. The FPC-supported Senate Bill 319 rightfully eliminates the unconstitutional permit requirement for people to carry concealed or open, and codifies the inalienable, natural right to defend one’s life.