Posts Tagged travel

Congressional Delegation, Including Sen Fetterman, In Turks and Caicos To Advocate For Jailed Americans

From Bearing Arms:

A group of representatives and senators from Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Texas traveled to the British protectorate in the Caribbean on Monday to plead with Turks and Caicos officials to release several Americans facing up to twelve years in prison for inadvertently bringing a few rounds of ammo in their luggage when they set off on their tropical vacations. Pennslyvania Sen. John Fetterman was among the lawmakers asking for leniency, and in comments to reporters sounded fairly positive about the discussions. 

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Caribbean Island To Jail American For Ammo In Luggage

From Ammoland:

The recent plight of Ryan Watson, an American tourist facing a possible 12-year sentence in Turks and Caicos for inadvertently carrying common ammunition in his luggage.

This is not just a simple case of international travel gone wrong but a stark reminder of the challenges Americans face abroad, especially where local laws harshly intersect with GOD-given Rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

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French People Demonstrate Against “Health Passport”

From Reuters:

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Primer On Concealed Carry Laws

From Gun Curious:

There are four basic regulatory regimes governing the carrying of concealed weapons in public. From least to most restrictive, they are:

  • Permitless Carry
  • Shall Issue
  • May Issue
  • No Issue (exists de jure but not de facto today)

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Searches Of Travelers’ Devices Unconstitutional

From Electronic Frontier Foundation:

In a major victory for privacy rights at the border, a federal court in Boston ruled today that suspicionless searches of travelers’ electronic devices by federal agents at airports and other U.S. ports of entry are unconstitutional.

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Freedom To Travel, But Not With Guns

From Bearing Arms:

You can travel from wherever you live in the United States to wherever you want in the United States, and your freedom of speech still exists, along with your right to peaceably assemble, petition the government, be secure in your person and property, or have a jury trial if you’re arrested. You take your rights with you no matter where you go, with one very big exception. Your Second Amendment rights typically end at the state line where you live. Cross that border, and your right becomes a privilege, or maybe even a crime.

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Supreme Court To Hear NY Gun Case

From The Truth About Guns:

The Second Amendment Foundation today cheered the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to move forward with a case that challenges a New York City gun law that was so restrictive the city amended it, and then tried to get the high court to dismiss the case.

“We’re delighted that the Supreme Court will move this important case forward,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “The Second Amendment Foundation has filed an amicus brief in support of overturning this egregious attempt to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. We are confident that the high court will ultimately rule in favor of Second Amendment rights.”

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NY Gun Case Set For Argument On Dec. 2


Now, it seems, their reckoning may be nigh, as the high court has scheduled the case for argument on Dec. 2.
The lawsuit, New York State Rifle & Pistol Assoc., Inc. v. City of New York, offers a revealing look into the mindset of gun control extremists, and in particular, their refusal to acknowledge the Supreme Court’s precedents that recognize the right to keep and bear arms as a fundamental, individual liberty.

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First 2nd Amendment Supreme Court Case Since Heller

From National Constitution Center:

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Gun Control Groups Flood Supreme Court Case With New Arguments


Over a dozen new legal briefs were posted Monday in the case brought by gun owners challenging the constitutionality of the Big Apple’s “premises permit” scheme, a local New York City law that drastically restricts the ability to leave one’s premises with a firearm. The new filings come from five Senate Democrats — Sheldon Whitehouse, Mazie Hirono, Richard Blumenthal, Richard Durbin, and Kirsten Gillibrand as well as 139 Dems in the House, with the lawmakers taking New York’s side.

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NY Law Headed To Supreme Court

From USA Today:

Gun rights groups are using New York City restrictions that may be repealed as a rallying cry to press the Supreme Court for a major expansion of its Second Amendment precedents.

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Government Incompetence In Air Marshal Service

From CNN:

The Transportation Security Administration’s Office of Inspection has documented more than 200 cases of air marshals allegedly misusing firearms or misbehaving with guns between roughly 2005 and 2017, according to records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

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A Situational Primer For Traveling Abroad

From The Loadout Room:

Do you know where the evacuation place is and the area surrounding it? What should you have with you when you leave your room? What should you do prior to going to sleep to reduce potential threats that might be lurking once you leave your room? Why is it consequential regarding your skin color and why is a religious understanding of the area important? An alarm or occurrences that forced you to leave your hotel room under duress put your mind into an animalistic survival activity, and unless you have a plan, practice, and test it, you could be putting yourself at risk.

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Homeland Security Stops Reporter, Asks To Search Phone

From Motherboard:

On Thursday, a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporter claimed that the Department of Homeland Security demanded access to her mobile phones when she was crossing the border at the Los Angeles airport.

“I wanted to share a troubling experience I had with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in the hopes it may help you protect your private information,” Maria Abi-Habib, a WSJ journalist focused on ISIS and Al Qaeda wrote in a post on Facebook. (Abi-Habib confirmed to Motherboard that the Facebook account was hers, but declined to comment further.)

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Border Patrol Wants Your Twitter, Facebook Accounts

From The Register:

Under new proposals, each traveler filling out an I-94 travel form or applying for an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) visa will be asked for “information associated with your online presence/social media identifier.”

In other words, you’ll be asked to hand over your Twitter and Instagram handles, Facebook and LinkedIn URLs, and so on, so you can be watched.

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