Archive for May, 2024

Temporary Restraining Order Issued For ATF

From The Truth About Guns:

The gross overstep by the Justice Department (DOJ) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which basically outlaws private gun sales and was set to take effect on Monday, has been challenged in court in a number of different lawsuits. On Sunday, in the case State of Texas v. BATF,  the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas approved a temporary restraining order on the Final Rule that states it may not be enforced against the individual plaintiff in the case, citizens of the of Texas, and members of Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners Foundation, the Tennessee Firearms Association and the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

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Newsweek Attacks Texas Independence

From Newsweek:

Speaking to Newsweek in December, Joshua Blank, a political scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, said he didn’t believe Texas could leave the U.S. peacefully.

He said: “I think history has made clear that there is no plausible scenario in which Texas could peacefully extract itself from the United States, even were that the will of its populous—which there is no indication of to my knowledge.”

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They Hate You, Not The Guns

From The Truth About Guns:

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was rebuked as an “elite” at an Oxford Union debate on April 25 when she said that certain Americans are “poor souls who are looking for some answers.” Their biggest sin, according to the Speaker Emeritus, is not bowing to the orthodoxy of the gun control elite.

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Choosing Basic Defensive Guns

From The Truth About Guns:

In today’s world, everyone should have a pistol, learn how to effectively use it and keep it with you. But, it’s easy to spend as much as you can imagine (and probably more) buying a pistol. Sadly, many of the more expensive pistols just aren’t great defensive tools, as they’re built for other things. Plus, if the worst happens and you have to shoot somebody in legitimate self-defense, you can count on that gun sitting in evidence for months at minimum, and you don’t want some $3,500 wonder gun sitting in somebody else’s storage.

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Op-Ed Tone Deaf On Texas and Gun Rights

From The Austin American-Statesman:

The NRA claims to be “the longest-standing civil rights organization,” with lofty talk of defending the 2nd Amendment and “freedom.” But the NRA sold the freedoms and safety of our communities in exchange for corporate profits a long time ago. Americans cannot pursue happiness while looking over their shoulders and planning escape routes.

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Babylon Bee Takes On Gun Facts

From Babylon Bee:

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Supreme Court To Consider Several Gun Cases This Week

From Cam and Company:

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Savage Actual Interviews Rhodesian SAS Member

From Savage Actual:

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ATF Universal Background Checks Challenged

From The Truth About Guns:

A federal judge has expedited the legal proceedings against a new rule by the ATF that mandates universal background checks on private firearm sales. U.S. District Court Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk’s decision on Friday sets the stage for a rapid review of the contentious rule, which has faced strong opposition from gun rights advocates and several states.

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How To Properly Mount A Scope

From Hornady Podcast:

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Biden Has Tyrannical Plans For Guns In Second Term

From The Truth About Guns:

President Biden told the “Smartless” podcast, according to Breitbart, that he will “make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country” should he be elected for a second term, adding, “this — the [tree of] liberty is watered with the blood of patriots, I mean, that’s a bunch of crap.”

President Biden specifically took aim at re-enacting the failed 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, that even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted had no effect on crime reduction. He reiterated his disproven claims about “cannon control” and again placed himself as the pre-eminent Second Amendment authority, despite the U.S. Supreme Court clearly establishing the Second Amendment as a right of individual Americans.

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Amazon Driver Kills Carjacker

From Bearing Arms:

An initial investigation showed that the Amazon driver was working in the area when they were approached by the suspect. The suspect attempted to take the worker’s vehicle at gunpoint.

At some point during the altercation, the suspect was shot by the worker. The suspect tried to drive away in the worker’s vehicle after sustaining the gunshot wound, but crashed the vehicle shortly after driving away.

Cleveland EMS pronounced the suspect dead at the scene.

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NY Judge Cites Religiously Discriminatory Law To Uphold Background Checks For Ammo

From Bearing Arms:

A federal judge in New York has dismissed a challenge to the state’s requirement that every ammunition sale go through a background check, citing a colonial Virginia statute barring Catholics from owning or possessing arms that he says demonstrates a “national tradition” of keeping guns from dangerous people. 

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TV Shows Now Attacking Legal Gun Possession

From Bearing Arms:

Why are two characters in search of “the perfect nanny”? Lopez fired her nanny towards the beginning of the episode because a gun fell out of the nanny’s purse. The way ABC set the stage made the nanny look like a rogue cowboy. A purse got moved and the gun fell out of it, not in a holster or anything.

If there were to be a complaint here, it’d revolve around ways a person could achieve responsible off-body carry. But that’s not how it all went down. “What the hell is a gun doing in your purse?” Lopez asked the nanny. She replied, “It’s for protection. I have a permit.” Lopez declared, “Not in my house you don’t.”

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Reform Candidates Win in NRA Election

From Bearing Arms:

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